среда, 5 апреля 2017 г.

San Paulo
29 December
Dear Ken,
Now is just two week and i will be with you. Can i no believe it? I looking forward to stay with you and your family and see London in the first time. I`m very exciting. 
My city is San Paulo is the biggest and the noisyest city in Brasil. For tourist is not very well because is more commercial city. Also it have very much traffic and pollution. 

понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.

перевернутый класс

Я думаю,новая форма будет достаточно сложной,так как нужно научиться правильно распределять время работы и правильно отрабатывать материалю Для усвоения грамматических основ можно использовать диаграммы и таблицы,так как информация будет восприниматься более удобно. Так же читать доп.литературу на английском языке и находить в книгах предлождения,построенные на каких-либо грамматических правилах. Для меня эта новая форма работы показалось очень интересной, потому что раньше наш класс никогда не пробовал работать в таком режиме,выбирать время самим для занятий тем или иным разделом английского языка. Мне кажется,что это прекрасный шанс проявить самостоятельность и показать то,на что мы способны.

пятница, 10 марта 2017 г.

  To start with, we live in modern society. I think, that all of people have telephone, laptop or computer.

 In fact, we have a lot of social networks. For instance, Twitter, Vk, Facebook and Instagram. I guess that a lot of people use social networks for communicating with parents, children, friends but teens use they more than adults. Moreover, teens know text language is a very effective way of keeping their parents in the dark about their conservation.Some text abbreviations are now part of everyone`s text vernacular. Also we have a lot of online shops. For example, e-Bay. It have become a global phenomenon. They were designed to enable individuals to sell their own unwanted goods through online auctioning. In my opinion, global communication has never been easier. In a word, technology far very quickly. For example, scientist working with new branch of technology. Nowadays we have a lot of opportunities. People have wonderful facility even when they take place at the airport. For instance,capsule hotels are very popular in Japan. It`s the accommodation of choice for Japanese businessmen who have missed the last train back to the suburbs, or travellers on a tight budget. They consist of tiny sleeping compartmets about 2 metres long, 1 metre high and 1 metre wide. Also, in Stockholm people can find hostel with facilities  for old jumbo. However all of the nanotechnology and facilities can lead to seriously repercussions. People who live in the future don`t even think about nature, they are too fer from nature to take care of it. I think, even small rain can suprise people and mathem think of wasting water while raining. In my opinion, the problem of future people is that they need only benefit from rain but they don`t see the beaty. I believe, we need save our planet. Also, i think, that all of us have a dream. Someone want to be a doctor, someone want to be a builder, someone want to be a designer. However, sometimes parents don`t want to help us with our dream and they tell to us that it`s not right way of live. Certainly, parents need help their children. 

In conclusion i want to tell that we live in very wonderful world. We have so many different opportunity to became a scientist or a dortor or a designer. I think, that we must try all of opportunities.

понедельник, 13 февраля 2017 г.

To begin with, that nature is really important. Every day we contact with it. Moreover every day we faced with trouble of natural disasters. But a lot of people earn money because of natural disaster. For instance one famous photographer take picture of storm and a lot of people buy it. In my opinion Tornado is one of the most destructive forces and the most people would panis and hide in their houses but Warren Faidley grabs his camera and take picture of the storm. he is a storm chaser. Also we need remember about the Valley of Geysers. It locate on the Kamchatka. It`s really nice place with wonderful nature. Sadly, landslide destroy the Valley of Geysers in 2007. The goverment desided that they need  restore this place. Moreover locals people told that they have great opportunity to see natural transformation. In addition we must talk about global warming, because it`s really hot topic. Furthermore global temperature had increased by one degree every year.Also Global warming has cataclysm effect. I think that we must stop this. We need use public transport, moreover we need reduce our electricity and recycle our rubish. In addition we need talk about animals. Polar bear population figthing to survive. Also we need save the whales.Tens of thousands of whales were being hunted and killed every year by nations across the world.All in all if we contunue to do nothing, we will have forsed yet another species into extintion. 

вторник, 7 февраля 2017 г.

1)Where locate Valley of the Geysers?
2)What happened with Valley of the Geysers?
3)What people think about natural transformation?
4)Why this natural obliterated?
5)Why goverment can`t return natural previous condition?
1)How global temperature increas?
2)How much food need polar bears to survive?
3)Why summer became faster?
4)Why many dens collapse at the spring?
5)What will happened if we will ignore cataclysm effect?
6)What result of global warming for animals?
7)Why the Earth`s climat is changing?
8)What students think about polar bear population?
9)Why polar bears have reduced hunting period?
10)Who can help to save our planet?

воскресенье, 22 января 2017 г.

To begin with, that in our daily life so very important to have hobbys. For instance lots of people like to travel. Also lots of people like to visit Russian city or Russian villages. Indeed so many people like to watch new film in the cinema.
I must admit, that huge part of people like to travel. They visit differnt country and study their culture and their languages.  For example so many people love Italy, Venice. In this counry you can find unusual sort of boat. But now it`s became a sort of taxi. It has name gondola. This special sort of boat help to support romantis atmosphere. Also you must visit Spain. It`s wonderful country with wounderful culture. In this place you  can meet chip mean of transport. It has name Burro Taxi. It was born in 1960. Moreover if you will visit Russia you would have found The Troika. It`s Russia carriage with horses,primary means of transport in Russia. Indeed in British you will meet with so small and not cheap transport with interesting name. It`s Pedicabs.
In addition if you like to travel only in Russia you maus visit Moscow. It`s wonderful city with fairy churches and streets. Also if you like to do sport you can visit Moscow marathon. At this event you can meet with smiling women dressed in uniform and full military orchestra.Moat of fellow runners are Russian,they look incredible. Marathon runs through the heart of Moscow,along the Moscow river. The finish line comes inti wiev, the last quater mile. People who participated in this event told that it`s the greats felling in the world.
In conclusion, i want to tell that if you don`t like travel and do sport, you must watch new film 'Superman returns'. It`s incredible cost. And clever plot about eliminating villains and problems which wait Superman at Earth. 'Superman returns' is a modern masterpiece and sensetional filn. 

суббота, 21 января 2017 г.

1)I asked Alexandra Sergeevna if she liked chocalate candys and she answered she did.
2)I asked Ann  when she tried candys in firs time and she answered she tried 3 years old.
3)I  asked Artem where he liked walking and he answered he liked walking in the Arbat street.
4)I asked Nika why she bought sweets with lemon and she answered she liked sweets with lemon and orange.
5)I asked Senya how he spent his holiday and he answered he was at Grandmother`s home with parents.
6)I asked Slava who is his favorite singer and he answered he liked all of American singer.
7)I asked Kate what she would do if she had a car and she answered she would go to school alone.
8)I asked Anna what she would do if she see Santa Claus and she answered she will ask him about his deer.
9)I asked Sergey what he would do if he had a lot of money and he answered he would buy a lot of expensive clothes.
10)I asked Nadya what she would do if she had go to China and she answered she would have gone to the white beach.