As we know, that food is an essentianal part of our daily life.One famous Enghlish saing 'We are what we eat'. The food we eat can influenca our body and our mind. It contains nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats. Fop human is very important to get all of this components. If person not get this it can lead to serious problem with health and organism. Moreover it can lead to serious diseases. For instance anorexia or cancer and gastric. If you want to live long life you need to
keep one`s ears open to reccomendations of your doctor. Also if you like to travel and eat delicion and healthly food you must visit Japan, Okinawa. Okinawa has the highest and healthiest concentration of centenarians in the world. Furthermore in this place you can taste very tasty food. Food in Japan does not contain fat, in addition dishes of Japan kitchen contain plenty of vegetables. And if like to eat meat you will eat meat without fat. After eatting you have to drink green tea, because it helps to burn calories. It`s secret of Japanese health.
Would you like to visit Europian coutries? For example Russia or UK. Breakfast in this coutries it`s so important. Because eating a good breakfast helps us to learn better and work more. In Russia you can know and taste traditional dishes such as sirniki. Sirniki is made from dough containing lots of cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Blini and blinchiki are other common morning meals. Blini are practically the same as English pancakes. In Russia they are served with butter and sugar. Blinchiki are very thin blini. Of course they are made from other dough. The thinner the blinchiki are, the tastier they are. Or we can take English breakfast. Fried eggs, crispy bacon and slice of toast with topped fresh butter, jam or marmalade. Eat one of this and you probably won`t need anything else until the end of the day.
On the other hand, if you haven`t time for normal breakfast, you have to eat sometning like fruit or you can take it with you on work, because breakfast it`s so important for our organism. But you must be careful with fruits because fruits contain high concentration of three types of bacteria that cause food to spoil. Anyway we can stay fresh food longer. For instance, we can freeze or cook products.
In conclusion, we can make consectary that food it`s so important part in our life. Furthemore, because of food in our organism occur different oxidation processs, for exmaple breating. Without energy this process is impossible. In addition, food give pleasure for us.