вторник, 22 ноября 2016 г.

23 November 2016
Dear friend,
Sorry for not  having writting i was too busy in school. To begin with, that i love you so much my mother. She`s ligths in my life .Mommy give me plenty of love, plenty of hugs and plenty of fun. She`s so kind person. Every day i can repeate that i love she, every morning every evening. 
Also, my mother so clever person. For instance she always can give me advice and always can help me with my trouble. In addition I`m so grateful to my mother because only she taught to love people who surround you. Also she  bring out the best in me. Besides, she is a terrific leader. It is not suprising that she  make working on a project a joy. 
In conclusion i want to tell that my mother warm my help every seconds even if she take plac e long away. To tell the truth she is a a good listener. In addition my mother is so beatiful. In my opinion  women should be furious seeing her beauty.
Now i want to ask you. How look your mom? What you can tell about her?
Anyway, i must go and get on with my work!
Hope to hear from you soon.
All the best.

вторник, 15 ноября 2016 г.


Yesterday i tried wonderful dish. It was laverbred. This fairy food smelt unreall. It smelt such as sea because this dish made of seaweed which name of carrageen. It`s looked like bread or something which made with help of flour or it look such as bun but in really it`s just cabbage. Laverbred had extraordinary color. It`s look like green but we can see something such as red or violet.  Also it smell such as 
salt of the sea or such as cold slippery carrageen or such as fresh fish. When i tried i felt strange feelings. It very-very cold and aromatic dish, which you must try.

четверг, 20 октября 2016 г.

 As we know, that food is an essentianal part of our daily life.One famous Enghlish saing 'We are what we eat'. The food we eat can influenca our body and our mind. It contains nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats. Fop human is very important to get all of this components. If person not get this it can lead to serious problem with health and organism. Moreover it can lead to serious diseases. For instance anorexia or cancer and gastric. If you want to live long life you need to
keep one`s ears open to reccomendations of your doctor. Also if you like to travel and eat delicion and healthly food you must visit Japan, Okinawa. Okinawa has the highest and healthiest concentration of centenarians in the world. Furthermore in this place you can taste very tasty food. Food in Japan does not contain fat, in addition dishes of Japan kitchen contain plenty of vegetables. And if like to eat meat you will eat meat without fat. After eatting you have to drink green tea, because it helps to burn calories. It`s secret of Japanese health. 
Would you like to visit Europian coutries? For example Russia or UK. Breakfast in this coutries it`s so important. Because eating a good breakfast helps us to learn better and work more. In Russia you can know and taste traditional dishes such as sirniki. Sirniki is made from dough containing lots of cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Blini and blinchiki are other common morning meals. Blini are practically the same as English pancakes. In Russia they are served with butter and sugar. Blinchiki are very thin blini. Of course they are made from other dough. The thinner the blinchiki are, the tastier they are. Or we can take English breakfast. Fried eggs, crispy bacon and slice of toast with topped fresh butter, jam or marmalade. Eat one of this and you probably won`t need anything else until the end of the day.
On the other hand, if you haven`t time for normal breakfast, you have to eat sometning like fruit or you can take it with you on work, because breakfast it`s so important for our organism. But you must be careful with fruits because fruits contain high concentration of three types of bacteria that cause food to spoil. Anyway we can stay fresh food longer. For instance, we can freeze or cook products.
In conclusion, we can make consectary that food it`s so important part in our life. Furthemore, because of food in our organism occur different oxidation processs, for exmaple breating. Without energy this process is impossible. In addition, food give pleasure for us. 

понедельник, 17 октября 2016 г.

Some people think that sport it`s not important for their life. In addition a lot of people didn`t like extreme sport. In my opinion sport it`s very wonderful because it can help us keep feel and mantain our heth. I guess that extreme sport it`s so cool for people. Also when you are young you want to demastrate your ability and skills. Person who do any mean of sport anyway tempers his character, because you must have purposefulness. 

On the one hand extreme sport it`s good experience and wonderful know-how. Also when you do sport in our blood stands adrenalin and our mood  increases. In addition you can sent you impression with your friends. For example if you do diving, you can told about fairy marvelous sea`s world.
Moreover, when you do extreme sport you can get rid fear of heights and fear of flying. Therefore, you become more confident. Also every person want to be in the spotlight. I think, that extreme sport can help you with this problem.  Because while you doing extreme sport you will attract the attention.
On the other hand, extreme sport it`s so dangerous for your heath and mind. When you ridding on motobike or on snowboard you can lost control of motobike and broke something. For instance legs or finger ,even spine. In my opinion it`s so horribly and unjustifiably. Because health it`s most important thing in our life. Also if you do extreme sport you must buy expensive equipment.

In conclusion, although not every person enjoy extreme sports, in my opinion, it`s really nice possibility to train your character, because you escape your fears and anxiety. But all can have effects. You need to be careful. All in all, extreme sport it`s wonderful for you heath and mind.

среда, 5 октября 2016 г.

Doctor on first picture rided on two beatiful horses. He was late for his disgusting work. HE hates his work because he hate people who take place near he. He love a lonelinessi and sorrow. On this day he going to be alone but stupid horses forced to wake up.

Huge monster who look like tree,stayed on tight mountine alone. His friends leave he because Robby (monster`s name) was so friendly and cute monster. Robby`s friends told him that it`s not right for monster. He need to be a bad-bad person. Robby stayed alone and cryed. He thinked about beatiful river and wonderful forest. But he staed alone in this dark word.

"Now i meet with my friends"Alice was thinking on one windy day. She prepare to huged her friends because she didn`t see they one mounth. They going to meet in their secret place. It`s roof which located on Sebastian`s home. Every Sunday they must to meet om this roof. But Alice was in Paris and she can`t communicate and meet with her lovely friends. This day will be wonderful. When Alice take place on thier secret place she found dove.Dove was small and skinny but bird was so beatiful. Also she had a green  wings. It was unreally. This bird told she that Alice have to be cautiose, because dangerous is waiting she.

вторник, 4 октября 2016 г.

who i am

Who I am 
Let me introduce myself, my name is Sofia Tokareva. I was born in 28 th of September,2000 in Chelyabinsk, which is the town of Russia. 
Let`s talk about my family. My family is rather big. I have baby brother, he is 6, his name is Lev. My brother so cute because he has big blue eyes and plump cheeks. My parents are young. My mom is a gorgeous woman. She is 37. She has one high education. She works as doctor. My mother likes reading books and she knows a lot of interesting things. Also she like to visit medical conferences. She always helps me with my problems. My father is 37. He is a lawyer.He likes his work very much. Moreover my father is so smart and educated person. He has three high educations. My father cooks well too. He always makes new dishes and they are very tasty. Our free time or holiday we prefer to spent in outside or in another country. Sometimes we visit theater or cinema together. We are a friendly family . I love my family so much. 
It`s important to have friends. My friends name is Maria. She lives not far from me. It’s difficult to meet a true and faithful friend. I am happy that I have got Maria . I trust her and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. She is the single person who can ask for help and advice in unhappy moments of my life and whom I can tell all my problems. She never lets people down. I miss Maria when we don’t see each other for a long time. I think our friendship makes me feel confident; share to over feelings and opinions. Personally, I think that friendship is a great force. 
Everybody likes music – some people enjoy classical music, others are fond of popular music. Open-minded, I like all kinds of music. I am a meloman. Some music is happy, and some is sad. Some is serious, and some can make people laugh. 
In our world we can find some kind of hobby. Each person has his interests and hobbies such as reading books, watching TV, going in for sports. As for me, I have many hobbies: they are – cooking, dancing, singing, and Biology. I also fond of reading books. My favorite books are horror love stories. 
My family likes holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of them with a lot of food and presents and big groups of relatives and friends. I like New Year very much. My mother and I usually decorate a New Year tree with colorful glass balls and toys. I also cook New Year supper, especially salads. At night we have a real feast. Also I like my birthday because in this day I am in centre of attention. My close friends and parents give me a present and doing party for me. 
In my future I going to be a doctor because I want to help people who have trouble with their health. In addition I love to study chemistry and biology. I think that it`s so interesting items. In my opinion it`s so difficult and responsible job. Without help of doctors our live will bad and difficult. 
I like to travel, but it is difficult to visit countries, when you do not know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country which I am going to visit it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with people there.

creative writting

Once upon a time my father appeared with great joy on his face to our cozy home. I waited he because every evening we communicate and share secrets ,we watch so interesting and so funny show together. But today my father was mysterious. He hold something small and warm and red in his hand. I was so surprised when I understand that it was rabbit. He was so cute and lovely. My father belived that it was really cool because I love all kind of pets. One raining evening I walked with my lovely pets on small and narrow street. And what was my surprise when in gateway I found small kitten who set on dirty box. I took this peace of happy and brought to my sweet home. 

This story began one beautiful winter day. Day was cold and angry wind blew from all sides. My mother did delicious cacao with souffle. Atmosphere was wonderful. On this day I want to sat at home and luxuriated in my warm bed but I promised my best friend that we spend this day together. It`s our tradition. Every Sunday we meet in one secret place. After our meeting we gossip about our school, about new trends and music. I love so much my best friend because she is unreally cute person. She has beautiful eyes which sparkling such a fresh morning dew drops. She so smart and funny. One disgusting day when I had trouble, she told me “Life is like a washing machine, sometimes turns us inside out, thrown from side to side, twisting the ram's horn and squeezes out of us all the juice. But after that we become purer and better. Don’t worry my lovely princess. Everything goes, and sadness and joy.” I am grateful that fate has prepared for me a scenario in which I met my friend. 
Who I am, I began in 2010, on a hot July day. That moment deep in my memory forever. I smiled and cried from joy and excitement near the enormous light hospital. My heart was beating like a rabbit and hands trembled as the thin branches of the wind. Seconds lasted an eternity. And then I see a pale but smiling face of my mother. She was carrying a new life. It was my baby brother. You can`t imagine my feelings when I first saw these chubby cheeks and bright eyes. It`s indescribably. This is my personal miracle with bright blue eyes. This is my personal tale with a happy ending.